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The present proposal will provide an innovative system for warning on possible threats, enhancement of effectiveness and efficiency of all security relevant systems, equipment, tools and processes for the surveillance in the selected areas.

  • Sensor and/or radar-video stations, for land and air, placed in high risk areas
  • video analysis techniques that are applicable individually in different border security environments and conditions
    • border surveillance
    • border control (land border)
    • in land checkpoint
  • System design of a multilayer video analysis solution in which different modules, which could be purchased at different times.
  • Intelligent video analysis, which offers solutions for the control room personnel. The amount of alarms is reduced to a acceptable level
  • the "false alarm" rate is reduced significantly
  • If the main objective is met, the amount of human labor committed to video surveillance is reduced and the control of video surveillance can be centralized to fewer command centers

EWISA innovative integration approach will present progress beyond the state of the art at two different levels:

  • smart recognition of abnormal activities from thousands of images, using successive analysis layers;
  • creation of a virtual cooperation environment between EU countries, in order to manage a migration incident which follows a route at the limit of the borders between third countries and Member States, speculating the path of the common border line

The integrated solution, proposed by EWISA to enable the monitoring, identification and classification of persons, will be in line with the security thematic missions’ priorities by providing a solution that will help improve the European land borders surveillance and increase the security of EC citizens. By using different types of images, data collecting and real time sensing technologies that will be fused by a Command and Control center, EWISA will provide means of intelligent surveillance.

The shortcomings mentioned earlier can be connected to several aspects which are very much relevant for the achievement of surveillance objectives, namely:

  • Early Warning: It is critical to have an accurate, long range situational picture that allow the law enforcement authorities to react in due time and with a high level of confidence on the nature of the threat.
  • Detection, identification, recognition and tracking: there is a need to guarantee an effective detection and tracking of small targets, which currently are undetectable by many of the existing land border surveillance systems in Europe, and to enable their identification. The processing of this data is also a valuable source for the consistent representation of any Situational Picture.
  • Interoperability: In a European wide Integrated Border Surveillance framework all the systems have to coexist and contribute to the overall System of System performance. Interoperability is a key factor to facilitating a common use of surveillance assets and for the generation of a Common Intelligence Situational Pictures (mix between Common Pre-frontier Intelligence Pictures and Common Situational Pictures).

Finding innovative solutions to improve these aspects of land border surveillance will be required in the near future. This improvement will have an impact at two levels.


  • Impact on permanent awareness, with tools that can operate continuously, providing a permanent situational picture which shall be integrated in the existing surveillance framework.
  • Impact on the capability to react: with tools that are easily deployable and able to increase surveillance capabilities during a particular timeframe and in a particular geographical spot, while interoperating with the existing systems.

The close link between end-users and industry, especially in those cases where there is a fuzzy perception of the real needs of the user in daily practice for a particular technology, will extend the benefits of pre-operational validation beyond technical development. The identification of innovative applications, business models and procurement strategies will reverberate in the integration of innovative solutions as fully operational tool. By acting as technologically knowledgeable validator of new R&D, the public demand side can drive innovation.

Validation will be supported by the execution of a series of experiments (with different types of technological solutions) conducted in real scenarios. The feasibility of the selection of one or other scenario will be evaluated during the first stage of the Project, for which a close link with both authorities and system providers will be required. In any case, some main candidate areas can be identified just by weighting up the following aspects:

  • The operational relevance according to the history of irregular activities identified.
  • The presence of a multi-national force that could eventually make a common use of surveillance technologies.
  • The availability of other existing systems and infrastructures that allow the integration of the information provided by the tested systems in the EUROSUR framework.


The management of this research project will be in accordance with the articles of the contract to be signed with the EC and concluded by a consortium agreement to be signed among the project partners. An efficient Project Management scheme and practices shall be followed in order to guarantee the performance of the work and timely execution of the different tasks. The Project Management structure includes the required components whose roles are described below.

The leading partner is the Center for Security Studies - KEMEA

A Project Management Board and the Scientific and Technical Board will be operationalised, aiming to target the best coordination of this research project and to promote our technical excellence.

This management structure can minimize administrative and technical management overhead by properly focusing the functions of each component and will assist maintaining clean interfaces between the research and management activities of the project as well as coordinating the ambitious technical tasks and exploitation of scientific and technical results of this research project. There will be no IPR conflicting issue.

Management Structure

Project Management Board (PMB): The Project Management Board is the ultimate project authority, with collective responsibility for research project as a whole and long term strategic decisions within this project.

The Project Management Board will take major management decisions with guidance from the Coordinator in accordance with contractual provisions The Project Management Board will act as the supervisory board for this Project, its main goals being as:

  • to manage and direct this research Project as a whole;
  • to confirm that the overall resources used are consistent with, and reasonable for, the work performed;
  • to ensure the correct progress of work and the medium term results of this Project are in accordance with the contract provisions;
  • to review appropriate funds allocation required for a smooth research activity and estimate future needs.

The Project Management Board is made up of one representative from each Partner. The Project Manager (appointed by RBP - the project coordinator) chairs the Project Management Board. Partners designate the formal representative at the beginning of this research Project. All the members of the Project Management Board representing each of the Partners are responsible for representing the interests of their organisations.

Project Manager: The Project Manager (PM) is nominated by RBP (project coordinator). He has operational responsibility for the project and its day-to-day management. He is the focal point for all management activities in the Project and will be the official interface between the Project and the EC.

The responsibilities of the PM will be:

  • to coordinate all administrative activities within the project;
  • to allocate in advance all the required funds for the on-going research activity within present project;
  • to ensure that the research project work program is maintained and to detect and resolve main deviations in time and alteration of budget;
  • to be link channel for submitting all documents and for general liaison with European Commission for all project contractual matters;
  • to organise management meetings, and research Project reviews as may be required;
  • to maintain and make available within this Project appropriate documentation and publicity materials;
  • in case of un-expected events, to take appropriate measures alternative work plans, back-up, force major Procedures and rules for Conventions and Agendas, Meeting Minutes, Changes in Formal Representation, Frequency and Places of Meetings will be discussed at the first project meeting.

Project Scientific and Technical Board: The Scientific and Technical Board is responsible for maintaining the technical and scientific focus of the research project as a whole, and for ensuring that there is adequate collaboration between the teams working on different work packages within the project as well as by promoting close collaboration to ensure that all the technical and scientific objectives of the work plan are adequately accomplished in accordance with the POV Call and the main purpose of this project is completed the successful EWISA tests.

Main functions of the Scientific and Technical Board are:

  • to assume the responsibility of the technical and scientific direction of the Project
  • to organise and coordinate the internal review of deliverables, other than management and exploitation deliverables;
  • to help the PMB in the judgement of the technical and scientific progress and in the organisation of any technical audit of the project results;
  • to maintain the coherence and focus on the main scientific and technological objectives within or during the research project;
  • to harmonize technical and scientific differences between tasks;
  • to take all decisions related to technical and scientific matters;
  • to control the scientific progress of all technical work packages.

The Technical and Scientific Board Chairman will be Scientific and Technical Manager, is nominated by PMB in the first meeting.

The Scientific and Technical Board is made up of at least one representative from each Partner or by Work package Leaders. Each Project Partner has designated the formal representative from the beginning of this Project. The Scientific Board Chairman as the Scientific and Technical Manager will have to report to PMB.

Scientific and Technical Manager: The project Scientific and Technical Manager has the responsibility for maintaining the scientific and technical focus to the main strategic objectives of this research project, and for ensuring the adequate collaboration between the teams working on different tasks and its responsibilities are:

  • to coordinate the technical and scientific work of the Project
  • to keep up the technical and scientific objectives of the Project
  • to inform PM of the progress of the work
  • to coordinate the technical issues
  • to solve any technical conflicts between tasks
  • to organise and coordinate the internal review of EC deliverables
  • to disseminate the technical and scientific information among the partners.

Work package Leaders: The project partners will nominate the Workpackage leaders. The appointed partner will have to nominate a specific person of its organisation to perform this role.

The Work package Leaders as different persons for each of 8 WPs, will have the following responsibilities:

  • to manage all tasks in each work package during the research Project;
  • to ensure that the project schedule is maintained and to initiate report/corrective actions where required;
  • to ensure that the objectives and results of the tasks within his work package are achieved, on time and at the scientific level required, and deliverables
  • to arrange technical reviews of specific milestones as required by PM;
  • to supply the Project Manager with all the information related to the work package leaded, outlining progress and highlighting problems and actual or expected delays;
  • To supply the information required and to assist PM for the Progress Reports.