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The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) has been established as the Greek Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection’s think tank on security policies. KEMEA is a scientific, consulting and research agency, whose purpose is to conduct theoretical and applied research and to produce studies, particularly at a strategic level, on issues concerning security policies. KEMEA also provides advisory and consulting services to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection and other Public and Private authorities on these same issues.

KEMEA was established (in 2005) with the aim of exploiting the knowledge and experience gained by the Ministry of Interior (former Ministry of Public Order) through the planning and implementation of the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games Security Program.

KEMEA is supervised by the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection and the Ministry comprised of the following Agencies.

  1. Hellenic Police
  2. Fire Corps
  3. National Intelligence Service
  4. Civil Protection

KEMEA’s governing bodies are: the Board of Directors, the Director, the Deputy Director assisted by the Scientific Council. In the Board of Directors amongst are High Rank Officers (Major Generals) from the Hellenic Police, Fire Corps and Coast Guard.

KEMEA is divided into the following sectors:

  1. Studies, Research and Documentation.
  2. Anti-crime Policy.
  3. International Co-operation and Communication.
  4. Technology and Systems

KEMEA operates as the think on Security Policy of the above Ministry and is the “flexible vehicle” of the Ministry/Agencies, for the participation to European and National funding Schemes/Programs as END USER.

KEMEA is staffed by active officers of the above agencies, civilian security experts from the public/state sector as well as IT specialists from the private sector. All staff members have extensive and thorough experience and expertise as they had been fully involved in the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games Security Program.

KEMEA up to now is successfully participating in many funded Projects of the EC and ESA and is in the process of signing the Grant Agreement with the EC for other projects from the last EU Call.

KEMEA in order to accomplice its objectives, can utilize (on ad hoc basis), specialized personnel and assets from the Ministry.

It has also represented the Greek Government to the European Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF) of the European Commission and is a Member to the Board of Directors of the European Organization for Security (EOS).

KEMEA has been appointed in 2011 (Presidential Decree No39/06.05.2011) as the “National Contact Point” for the protection of ECIs (“ECIP contact point”) of Directive 2008/114/EC of the Council of December 8th 2008 “regarding the definition and designation of the European Critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve the protection of such infrastructures”

Lately KEMEA has awarded with 3 ISEC projects from DG HOME AFFAIRS on enhancing the operational capabilities of the Hellenic Police in the fight and prevention against crime and responding to major emergencies.