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The Romanian Border Police (RBP), subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and Interior, is a single authority responsible for border control at all Romanian borders with centralized organization at national, regional and local level.

At national (central) level border management is carried out by the General Inspectorate of Border Police, (GIBP). It co-ordinates the activity of its subordinated structures and carries out activities of investigation and inquiry of the serious crimes in the field of border related offences such as organized crime, illegal migration and cross-border crime.

The GIBP is managed by a General Inspector, appointed by the Minister of Administration and Interior and three deputies coordinating altogether 12 services directly subordinated to the GIBP.

Two main directorates of the GIBP are the Directorate for Surveillance and Control of Border Crossings (DSCBC) and the Directorate for Countering Illegal Migration and Cross-Border Crime. The other GIBP structures are either support ones or specialized in specific related issues.

Within the structure of the GIBP there is furthermore the NCC for the implementation of the EUROSUR-project (at first only to cover the blue border but later on planned to extend its attributions and become fully operational in 2013 (with RCC's set up for each neighboring country and the Black Sea).

The DSCBC is the specialized structure in drafting the general conception of the RBP regarding border control, coordinating activities of territorial structures and drafting procedures and regulations in carrying out border control, coordinating the inter-institutional cooperation.

At regional level, there are 6 directorates (one for each border with the neighboring country and one for the Black Sea region). The directorates are: Iasi, Constanta, Giurgiu, Timisoara, Oradea, and Radauti. Subordinated to the General Inspectorate of Border Police, there are 21 Border Police County Inspectorates fulfilling the duties of border police as far as border control and border surveillance is concerned. The county inspectorates are:

  • Botosani, Iasi, Vaslui, Galati / Eastern part of Romania
  • Maramures, Suceava / Northern part of Romania
  • Arad, Bihor, Satu Mare / North-Western part of Romania
  • Caras-Severin, Mehedinti, Timis / South-Eastern part of Romania
  • Calarasi, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Olt, Dolj /Southern part of Romania
  • Braila, Tulcea, Constanta, Ialomita./ Sout-Eastern part of Romania

At local level, there are 83 border police sectors directly responsible for a particular part of the border (49 of them are located at the EU external border; average length of their area of responsibility around 50 km each) and 2 naval groups at the Black Sea Coast.

Within the police sectors there are 80 border crossing points (2 of them at the border with Ukraine - Campulung la Tisa - rail, Valea Viseului - rail - and 1 at the border with Serbia - Portile de Fier II - road - are not operational due to infrastructure problems -> 77 operational BCPs).

The practical inter-institutional cooperation-framework is empowered by co-operation protocols between the agencies with attributions at the border. The purpose of these protocols is to formalize co-operation between the main agencies operating at the border to prevent and combat cross-border crime. In the margins of this legal framework, joint mobile teams of border guards and customs agents are organized for punctual actions.

The General Inspectorate of Border Police cooperates with the central public administration authorities, judicial institutions, other state central institutions as well as the representatives of the civil society. An important cooperation partner at sea is the Romanian Naval Authority, involved in inspection, control and surveillance of navigation, port state control, and coordination of SAR and oil pollution response activities. As regards immigration control and return activities cooperation is maintained with the Romanian Immigration Office.

At territorial level, the units subordinated to the GIBP cooperate with local public administration authorities, judicial institutions, other state institutions, decentralized services, as well as civil society representatives.

Coordination of all agencies with responsibilities at the border and in the area of combating of illegal immigration is carried out by the Inter-ministerial Group for the Integrated Management of the Romanian State Border (IGIMRSB)

Situational awareness is ensured by the complex of border control, intelligence, risk analysis and investigation activities of the Romanian Border Police, enhanced by the inter-agency and international cooperation.

A detailed system of information management and risk analysis provides all managerial levels with necessary information for decision taking. The implemented system of border surveillance is able to provide situational pictures on the land and sea borders. Close cooperation with national authorities and international partners responsible for combating of illegal immigration provides information about routes of illegal immigration and modi operandi.

The reaction capacity is determined by availability of necessary human and technical resources, their reaction time and capability to react adequately in different situations, availability and capabilities of the command and control units to lead different operations.

Allocation of the human and technical resources in Romania is based on an independent assessment of the operational situation in the respective area of responsibility by a respective border police leader and his/her specific decision for the practical implementation of the protective activities to be taken. The EvalCom is of the opinion that necessary human resources are available.