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Market survey on intelligent video surveillance technology was handed over to Finnish Border Guard

The market survey examines the technologies available on the European market and applicable to the objectives of the EWISA project. The survey constitutes the first deliverable of the project and is produced as part of the Work Package 1, led by the FBG, until end of August this year.

The main finding of the survey produced by a British enterprise QinetiQ Ltd states that the needed technology exists but its current commercial applications are not mature enough to meet the needs of the law enforcement authorities in a cost-effective way.

According to Work Package 1 leader, Major Janne Kurvinen, the FBG is satisfied with the market survey which meets the objectives set very well. The second deliverable of the WP 1, a report of needs and requirements, will be handed over to the FBG by the end of August.

In the project, after the on-going definition phase, the technical solution will be tested in different parts of Europe on selected test fields corresponding to real circumstances.

-Importance of intelligent technology in border surveillance will be emphasized even more in Finland in the future in a situation where the duties must be performed well but cost-effectively with less manpower. The intelligent video analysis provides one tool to meet that need. Therefore the FBG sets a lot of expectations to the EWISA project, said Colonel Kimmo Elomaa in the handover event.



Representative of QinetiQ Ltd handed over the market survey to Colonel Kimmo Elomaa at FBG Headquarters in May 2015.

Article & Photo © Finnish Border Guard


Technical requirements for intelligent video analysis were defined and market survey done in the first, FBG-led work package of the EWISA project

The first work package Needs and Analysis of the Early Warning for Increased Situational Awareness (EWISA) project produced an extensive market survey on intelligent video analysis technologies available on the European market and defined the technical requirements for video analysis system. The deliverables made by the work package serve as a basis for the next work packages in the project. In the course of the work package five workshops were organised.

The IT unit of the Technical Division of the Finnish Border Guard Headquarters was responsible for execution of the work package in collaboration with the Border and Coast Guard division, project's co-beneficiaries. In this work, FBG was assisted greatly by Mr. Pertti Woitsch from Geowise Ltd. (Finland) when elaborating and finishing the WP1's deliverables. Also QinetiQ Ltd. (UK) provided consulting and provided the market survey report to be used in the WP1's work. According to the feedback received from the co-beneficiaries, the achieved results meet very well the requirements set and FBG was pleased to both consulting companies.

After the recently finished definition phase, the technical solution will be tested on test fields in Finland and elsewhere in Europe that correspond with real land border surveillance circumstances.


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Experts from EWISA partner organisations gathered at the last workshop of the Working Package 1 in Helsinki in September 2015.

Photo © Romanian Border Police