Press Release 20/10/2016
Press Release
2016 EU Innovation Procurement event
EWISA project successfully participated and was presented in the Second Major eafip Event on innovation Procurement on 18th & 19th October 2016 in Athens, Greece. The two-day event targeted procurers, policy makers, procurement law firms and businesses, to raise awareness about the most recent outcomes from major PCP/PPI initiatives across Europe, and organise networking between stakeholders to discuss best practice, new ideas, initiatives and current funding opportunities for PCP/PPI. EWISA Project attarcted the interest of the stakeholders due to its special focus in Situational Awareness utilizing Video Analytics Technologies/Capabilities (CORE NEED) in combination with data fusion from Surveillance Heterogeneous Sensors providing Intelligence Analysis Reports (CORE NEED). The second major eafip event took place in the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA).
Visit the event website:
Click here to see the agenda:
Click to see photos from the event