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Press Release


EWISA Project in the “European Symposium on Border Surveillance and Search & Rescue Operations Technology – BSSAR 2014”

The “European Symposium on Border Surveillance and Search & Rescue Operations Technology – BSSAR 2014” was held in Heraklion, Crete, on November 27th and 28th, 2014 and the EWISA FP7 project was one of the Symposium co-organizers, along with KEMEA, totaling ten (10) European Research Projects (FP7) and two (2) National Research Programs on border surveillance technology, ground and air survey, crisis management and search and rescue operations.

The Symposium was attended by one hundred and fifty (150) representatives from international organizations, national authorities and services, academic institutions, research agencies, and end-users in both the public and private sectors, originating from fifteen (15) member states of the EU.

EWISA Project was represented during the proceedings of the symposium by the General of the Romanian Border Guard Police Mr. Dumitru Haralambie and the Chief of the Romanian Border Guard Police, Mr. Daniel Boba Coordinators of the project.

Chief Boba, was the speaker regarding EWISA Project presentation to the Symposium audience, successfully presenting the project objectives, and more specifically, the project’s contribution in providing the EU with an operational and technical framework that would increase situational awareness and improve the reaction capability of authorities surveying the external borders of the EU.

Chief Boba, underlined the project aims towards an early-warning system, interactive and open to all Member States, through which the obtained intelligence is stored and/or processed and/or submitted to all law enforcement agencies from the MS, as well as joint action methods in case of alert. Moreover, the project expected results were presented, regarding the innovative system for warning on possible threats, the enhancement of effectiveness and efficiency of all border control relevant systems, equipment, tools and processes, as well as the video analysis techniques that are applicable individually in different border security environments and conditions.

Finally, Mr. Boba, concluded by underlining that the EWISA project will have a very significant impact towards the enhancement of the security and safety of the citizens of the EU member states by providing more timely and reliable information to law enforcement agencies in order to detect, identify and intercept threats.