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The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Hellenic Ministry of Interior being the Coordinator and Contracting Authority of the EWISA Project, successfully organized the “1st EWISA - Industry Information Meeting” which took place on the 13th of March 2018 at KEMEA’s premises, Athens, Greece.

At this event, Contractor’s representatives were invited to present their unified and integrated technical solution and R&D services of the EWISA project. About 50 participants attended this event, including representatives of the EWISA Consortium, FRONTEX, Contractors and Sub-Contractors, Public Authorities and Hellenic Police.

The event was formally opened by the Director of KEMEA Mr. Tafyllis Ioannis, with greetings and welcoming, who highlighted the new challenges faced by the EU with regards to both migration and internal security and stressed the strong commitment of Greek and EWISA public authorities for the achievement of the goals and objectives of the EWISA project in the domain of Land Border Surveillance.

Following the greetings above, Mr. Paolo Salieri (DG Immigration and Home Affairs), who is the European Commission Project Officer responsible for the project, emphasized the major significance and importance of the EWISA project in the framework of EU External Land Border Security.

The Contractors representatives (of both Solutions), sequentially, presented to the audience their EWISA Concept approach, System Description & Architecture, Implementation and the Principles of their R&D services. In addition the results of the conducted Site surveys in all four (4) geographical areas were presented by the Contractors, as well.

In the closing, Mr Tafyllis Ioannis, KEMEA Director, stressed once again the importance of this project and thanked all participants for their input throughout the EWISA – Industry information Event, pointing out that was characterized by a productive feedback, fruitful and significant interaction between all parties.


Photos from the Event

(click on the photo for full size)


