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Press Release



EWISA Athens Information Event


The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Hellenic Ministry of Interior being the Coordinator of the EWISA Project, successfully organized the “EWISA Information Event” which took place on the 8th & 9th of November 2016 at the Divani Acropolis Hotel in Athens, Greece. At this event, Industry representatives were invited to hear about the forthcoming procurement of R&D services of the EWISA project and to share their ideas related to Land Border Surveillance. About 60 participants from 10 countries attended this event, including representatives of the EWISA Consortium, Public Authorities and other end user organisations.


The event was formally opened by Hellenic Police Colonel Dimitrios Mallios, with greetings and welcoming, on behalf of Lieutenant General Zacharoula Tsirigoti, Head of Staff of the Hellenic Police, who highlighted the new challenges faced by the EU with regards to both migration and internal security and stressed the strong commitment of Greek and EWISA public authorities for the achievement of the goals and objectives of the EWISA project in the Domain of Land Border Surveillance.


Following the greetings above, Mr. Paolo Salieri (DG Immigration and Home Affairs), who is the European Commission Project Officer responsible for the project, emphasized the major significance and importance of the EWISA project in the framework of EU External Land Border Security and in implementing the actual FRONTEX strategic approach and that of its successor, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, as expressed in EUROSUR.

The EWISA Coordination Team (Dr. George Leventakis and Dr. Pantelis Michalis of the Center for Security Studies – KEMEA), presented to the Industry the EWISA Concept, Implementation and the Principles of the forthcoming procurement of R&D services.


In brief, the EWISA consortium requests from the tenderers to provide Research and Development Services in Land Border Surveillance, following the concept of a unified integrated solution for the external EU borders based on data fusion from heterogeneous sensors, including Video Analytics Technologies generating intelligent analysis reports. Two independent solutions with a separate contract will be procured. The maximum budget for each solution is 2,717,000 € (excluding VAT) while the legal framework is based on the restricted procedure, designed according to the principles of Directive 2014/24 (article 28).


During the second day of the event, the Industry representatives from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom presented their solutions in the field of Border Surveillance. The technologies presented proved to be of great interest to the participating end users, who demonstrated their active involvement through the feedback they provided during the day. In addition, the industry representatives had the opportunity to achieve a better understanding of the EWISA project, its significance and the forthcoming procurement during the specific Brokerage and Q&A sessions.


In the closing address, George Leventakis, EWISA Coordinator, stressed once again the importance of this project and thanked all participants for their input throughout the EWISA information Event. Dr. Leventakis pointed out that the EWISA Athens Information Event was characterized by productive feedback, fruitful and significant interaction between all parties involved and proved to be a necessary and successful step forward for the EWISA project as a whole and especially for the forthcoming procurement implementation.


For more information on the EWISA outcomes & events and the forthcoming procurement, please visit the EWISA website​


Click here to see photos from the Event.

Click here to see and download the Event's Presentations